Saturday, May 19, 2012

Male dignity issue: Ridicule of testicles? | Men's Health Blog

Question by : Male dignity issue: Ridicule of testicles?
I?ve been reading Yahoo answers for a while, particulary threads pertaining to men?s health and male genitalia and abuse issues.

The insensitivity of many female opinions regarding the privacy and dignity of a man?s or boy?s body has been curious in the least.

One of the more dense claims I get is that men?s testicles are placed externally so that women could abuse them in times of need. This is really the equivalent of saying that women, as a whole, are weaker and more fragile than men because they (women) were intended to be men?s inferiors. So it is a rather offensive view to hold.

Another thing to deal with is the macho posturing about girls or women allegedly being able to ?easily? take down a man or whatever the wording, based on the simple fact of the testicles? vulnerability.
Though it is not incorrect to believe that a woman can severely hurt a man under certain conditions, it is somewhat wishful to think that a woman can ?easily? overwhelm a man in real combat. This argument is optimistically derived from the existence of a few inches of sensitive tissue on a man?s body, while ignoring the rest of the male body which is superior in dealing with as well as in dishing out damage.
Apparently most women are very much aware of this fact in their refusal to put themselves in harm?s way, in their choise of male security as well as in carrying weaponry. However, women and girls can engage in macho posturing (boosted by Hollywood movies and tv) over ?inferior? male bodies if they wish for surely no normal man will challenge them to ?roll? as that would be a contradiction of very basic,unwritten gender rules which hardly need further elaboration.
Another thing I would argue is that there is no social calling for females to engage in this above mentioned posturing as women are not judged according to the physical standards that men are. In other words, there is no urgent need for women to be sticking it to the men (slight pun) who, as a general rule, are leaving women alone and not putting women down for women?s natural, physical configuration. A man who would boast about taking on male gorillas comforted by the fact that male gorillas possess testicles would be considered loony at least (the analogy is somewhat extreme in that gorillas are in a world of their own and it is doubtful if any man could truly hurt the average gorilla but the principle is the same) and so it is hurtful when a boy takes up bodybuilding for the rest of his youth and is consequently ridiculed by a 100 pound girl over having ?weaknesses?. Since men?s attractiveness in the eyes of women is at least partially based on dominance and power, one can imagine why it feels offensive and demoralizing to be ridiculed in such a way by a female. It could be conmpared to a case of a brawny man prancing around as a transvestite and claiming to be more aesthetic (by female standards) than an international beauty queen.

Another modern myth of our time posits that the testicles are an evolutionary ?design flaw?. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that men lead more violent lives from childhood on, and probing around for chinks in the armor, so to speak, may seem sensible given this setting which is alien to most girls (who manage and survive their own world of more indirect abuse). After all, men are considered the sex of action (as opposed to the sex of gestation) and men face the pressure of living up to this imagery of a powerful killing machine (ordinary men often face being compared to world class female athletes and teased for moving less weight than an extraordinary women for example). The vulnerability (not strictly but our image of what constitutes good health and fitness in women would be considered skinnyfat and/or emaciated in a man) of women is celebrated as a beautiful and natural thing while perceived vulnerabilities of the male body are highlighted for ridicule as supposedly men would have to be fleshy steel all over to live up to a made up image of ?true? masculinity. BTW: the external location of the testicles has benefits such as easing the detection of cancer.
An objection or a point that is sometimes raised is that men or boys laugh about private abuse so it must not be that bad or so. Well, laughter can be very much a defense mechanism to deal with hurtful knowledge, as a psychologist could reveal. As previously described, the ?man?s world? can be a violent with place with violent expectations and men have to deal with it somehow.
And the fact that some boys or men may laugh about it does not mean girls and women should be following suit. In addressing the issue, males have an inherent understanding of the issue that a female can never have for obvious reasons. In a similar manner, girls may perhaps joke about a serious issue that concerns females such as rape, to each other but they would consider it offensive if a male chimed in acting like he has it figured out.

What do you guys thin

Best answer:

Answer by Q&A
it is a sexual crime that needs to be taken more seriously. Maybe when women start serving prison sentences will they wake up to this.

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